Here is how you can join us.
1. Link up your blog URL on Mr Linky.
2. Follow the Hostesses ( and leave a comment so they can follow you back).
3. Grab The Following Friday button and paste it somewhere on your blog or in a post.
4. Follow as many blogs as you like and when they follow you, follow them back. (leave a comment on their blog so they can follow you back)
More blog hops I like! I love making new friends. Leave me a comment if you follow and I'll be sure to follow you back. I do check to make sure you've followed so please, no cheating!
Other than that, Happy Fridays and have fun!

Until next time,

Like what you see? Follow me on GFC and twitter (@CinnyBBS) to get the latest updates. Like us on facebook or join us through Network Blogs. Leave me a comment if you'd like me to follow back on any of these.

Hi. I'm your new follower.
Thanks for hosting.
Have a great weekend!
Following from the green friday follow. http://www.metro-dc-mom-blog.com
Hi there! I'm a new follower, I found you on Green Follow Friday. Great blog! Thanks and have a wonderful weekend!!
New follower from Following Friday blog hop. Please return the love & follow my new blog?
Ruthie Joyce
Hi - I'm your newest follower. Thanks for hosting!
I'm a new follower from Fun Follow Friday.
I am now following you thanks to the blog hop! I would love for you to stop by my blog too!
Happy Follow Friday Blog hop!!! I'm following you!
Stop on over!
New Follower form FF. HAve a great weekend
I'm already a follower! Thanks for the awesome link up! Also, I tried to follow most of the hostesses but my internet was being a jerk so I only got as far as Lets Just Give it Away...I'll come back and try again later:)
Hi, found you over @ Friendly Friday Follow! I'm your new follower. Come visit & follow back!
From PDX with Love
Following you through blog hopping Friday!
Hi there! Thanks for hosting Following Friday hop! I am your newest follower (#296) and I follow you on Networked Blogs and I "Like" your FB page :)
Great blog with great giveaways!
Have a good weekend!
Tracy at "A Slice of Smith Life"
Hi! I am following you =)
Following from Green Friday Follow!
Jacqie @ talesofthewife.com
Great site! I am a new follower on GFC-would love for you to follow me!
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