Friday, October 22, 2010

Following Fridays & Blog Hop Fridays 10/22/10 Edition

Welcome to Following Fridays! I cohost this blog hop so be sure to follow me and the other hostesses of this blog hop and we'll be sure to follow you back. I do check so no cheating please! Check out the details below.

And while you're here, check out the awesome giveaway going on right now for a $35 GC to CSN Stores...spend it however you like! Open to US/CAN and ends 11/29.

Let's Just Give It Away

 Here is how you can join us.

1. Link up your blog URL on Mr Linky.
2. Follow the Hostesses ( and leave a comment so they can follow you back).
3. Grab The Following Friday button and paste it somewhere on your blog or in a post.
4. Follow as many blogs as you like and when they follow you, follow them back. (leave a comment on their blog so they can follow you back)

More blog hops I like! I love making new friends. Leave me a comment if you follow and I'll be sure to follow you back. I do check to make sure you've followed so please, no cheating! 

Other than that, Happy Fridays and have fun!

My Wee View friday-followSmart and Trendy Moms badge

Until next time,

Like what you see? Follow me on GFC and twitter (@CinnyBBS) to get the latest updates. Like us on facebook or join us through Network Blogs. Leave me a comment if you'd like me to follow back on any of these.