Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Upcoming CSN Stores Review and Giveaway!!!

Yes, I love reviews with CSN Stores.  CSN Stores has such a wide selection of products and so many sites to flip through that its always a tough decision!  CSN Stores has everything from bar furniture to appliances, to kitchen accessories, clothing, and accessories! Even their bar furniture store has a wide range of products available! There's everything from economical but stylish solutions to top of the line designs and everything else in between. No matter who you are, there's bound to be a design solution for you. CSN Stores currently also has a fabulous discount code for 15% off all purchases $349 or more! Just use barstool15.

Better yet, I also have a giveaway going on right now for a $35 GC to CSN Stores that could contribute towards anything or a new bar furniture set and an upcoming review! Make sure you get your entries in now for your chance to win.

Until next time,

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