Set for release on April 5 is Billy's newest album "The Family Garden", a CD featuring 16 tracks with a runtime of 37 minutes recommended for children ages 2 and up. His band The Blahblahblahs (love the name, by the way), his children and him recorded this CD live in the music studio with minimal overdubs and would you take a listen at the fun and goofy songs that resulted?! It may be crazy, it may be confusing at times, but in the end, its just a lot of fun and craziness! I think my favorite song on the whole album was Scootdootdoodlydoo...hehe, even the song name is full of spunk!
Not to mention, I think I spent more time admiring all the artwork on the cover and insides of the album than the time needed to listen to the whole disc! Love the cartoons and reading all the little blurps and I think kids beginning to read may enjoy it just as much!
See Billy and The Blahblahblahs on tour:
February 19 – Symphony Space, NYC
February 20 – Café Nola, Frederick, MD
March 5 – Pittsburgh Children’s Museum, Pittsburgh, PA
March 26 – Coolidge Corner Theatre, Brookline, MA
May 14 – World Café Live, Philadelphia, PA
May 22 – 92YTribeca, NYC
Visit Billy.
Buy It: The Family Garden can be purchased for $12 from,, and April 05, 2011.
Disclaimer: The product/s mentioned above have been provided free of charge from the manufacturer or PR firm for the purposes of this review. Opinions expressed belong to Whirlwind of Surprises and are NOT influenced in any way. Please view my full disclosure.
Until next time,

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