Monday, September 26, 2011

#Childrens #DVD #Giveaway: #Babar #School Days US 10/10

If you haven't read the review yet, take a look here. Babar School Days is a great way to start off the new school year!

Want to buy it? Babar School Days is available at Walmart for less than $10! 

1 Whirlwind of Surprises' reader will win a Babar School Days DVD for themselves. Open to US, 18+. Good luck!

I am making use of Rafflecopter, a new beta software, for this giveaway so please enter on the Rafflecopter form below. If you encounter any problems or have any comments about this new method of entry, please leave a comment below. If the form will not let you add your daily tweet, please fill out mandatory entry again with DO NOT COUNT in the extra info box. It will then let you complete the daily tweet. Give it a minute to load and if you don't see the widget after that, please hit refresh.

Disclaimer: The product/s mentioned above have been provided for the purposes of this review. No other form of compensation was received. Opinions expressed belong to Whirlwind of Surprises and are NOT influenced in any way. Please view my full disclosure.

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                                                         Until next time,


Cass said...[Reply]

I don't know that it was my favorite or one I watched every day, but I did watch Babar.

~Kristen Fritsche~ said...[Reply]

I do remember watching Babar growing up, but it wasn't one of my favorites at the time. My daughter on the other hand loves him! :)

Paula L. said...[Reply]

I watched Babar occasionally growing up. I was never really crazy about cartoons. My grandson likes him though :)
jandplee at

♡♥♬ Raven In A Blue Room ♬♥♡ said...[Reply]

I watched Babar when it was on. Now he is one of my daughter's favorite shows

nicolesender said...[Reply]

My kids watched Babar and read the books.

Kate said...[Reply]

I loved Babar as a kid!

Bidchka said...[Reply]

I watched babar growing up.

debijackson said...[Reply]

loved him with my older kids

Wise Owl Designs said...[Reply]

I did read Babar stories when I was growing up and I do read them to my kids now.

wiseowldesignsinc at gmail dot com

Rafflecopter name is Liz

Anonymous said...[Reply]

not really

Gina said...[Reply]

Never heard of Babar as a kid, but my kids LOVE hime!!!!

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