Winner of the Spring Fashionista Giveaway
- #976: Michele -Left a comment
Winner of the Pampered Puppies Giveaway
- #2424: Shirley -Joined WOS on BlogFrog
Are you a blogger? Have you signed up for the Pampered Pooch Giveaway Event yet? Its not only for dogs but for all kinds of pets so you're more than welcome to host a giveaway for cats, ferrets, rabbits and so on! Find out more. Are you a reader? Didn't win? Don't worry! This is just a pre-event giveaway and I can guarantee you, there'll be lots more giveaways coming your way!
As you know, GFC has been disconnected on all platforms except for blogger. I can't even find my way into the GFC dashboard anymore, despite buying my own domain from blogger. I don't even like Google+ except it makes searching for followers easier. So, GFC is going to be slowly phased out and Google+ in. Please support us and follow us on Google+ and +1 us too! Its so easy, just use the widgets on the side bar and you'll be helping us gain more opportunities for the blog and you!
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