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Besides the free game download, CookieCoo Dancing Star will be giving away a $200 Amazon Gift Card! Open worldwide, 18+. Visit CookieCoo on facebook to is also giving away an additional $100 on their Facebook Fanpage.
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think the Hokey Pokey would be a hit here too
vmkids3 at msn dot com
My daughter has been singing I'm A Little Acorn which is so cute.
alliana88m aT yahoo DOT com
Fav kid song - if you are happy and you know it
If you are happy and you know it was fun
I was just singing the "I like to eat, eat eat apples and bananas" song
Mary had a little lamb was always my favorite.
The Wheels on the Bus (probably because it reminds me of a Seinfeld episode).
wowknk at gmail dot com
My little cusin loves it!
Five green and Speckled frogs or Down by the Bay are my favourites.
I always liked ring around the rosie
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