Tuesday, July 10, 2012

The #FairyHobmother is here!!!!

Tinkerbell, fairies
Unless you're a blogger, you probably wouldn't know this but I have been crazily stalking a magical creature. Dun dun dun... LOL, I was trying to catch a little fairy, the Fairy Hobmother actually! I'd been visiting every blog that he went to but it seemed, he always just slipped out of my grasp. That's the way fairies are, don't you know? Tinkerbell was always flittering about...

Anyways, the kindly Fairy Hobmother stopped by and sent me an Amazon card so that I could stock up my freezers with ice cream and treats for these hot summer days we've been experiencing! Thank you Fairy Hobmother for noticing our perserverence and dropping by. He has such a cool job, it's like being the tooth fairy, only better!

Want the Fairy Hobmother to visit you as well? Leave a comment with your blog address and he may just reach out and sprinkle a little of that magic Amazon dust on you too! Follow him on twitter @FairyHobmother. Woohoo, thank you Fairy Hobmother for making my week shine!

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                                                         Until next time,
