Thursday, August 30, 2012

Enjoying my summer night with Arbor Mist #SSCheers

Frozen wine cocktail review
I love my's just something I enjoy. I very recently heard of Frozen Wine Cocktails from Arbor Mist. I never even knew something like that existed. Before I knew it, a pretty box wrapped in pink tissue paper arrived with my very own Frozen Wine Cocktails. They come unthawed and all you have to do is pop them in the freezer for 5 hours, bring them out, squeeze them into your glass and you're ready to go.
frozen wine cocktail review

Tuesday, August 28, 2012

Are you a SPOTY? #SPOTY2012

SPOTY Sweepstakes
So, are you SPOTY? Have you got what it takes to be the first ever 2012 Sports Illustrated Kids' SportsParent of the Year? I participated in a ton of sports as a kid. It was just that much fun and it's probably why I still love sports to this day! If you feel that you or a parent you know shows dedication to not only family and community but is committed to adding sports for a healthy lifestyle for children, nominate them today.

Easy Coach #Sweepstakes! US/CAN 08/31 #MadameDealsEvents #BTSCoach

Are you ready for an easy and quick 4 day flash giveaway? It's another Madame Deals Media Giveaway powered by Madame Deals and Mommy Needs Her Coffee. How about starting the new school year with a new Coach purse? These Kyra Coach Messenger bags will look fabulous no matter who's wearing it. The awesome thing about this giveaway is that it's easy entry. No following a ton of facebook pages so it'll be quick and painless. Also, the winner gets to choose between the two Coach Kyra bags in the picture below: Floral Poppy Flower Print Flap Messenger Bag or Nylon Flap Messenger Crossbody Bag in Navy Blue. Both retail for $248!

Monday, August 27, 2012

#MilkUnleashed & another family adventure US 09/07

Milk Unleashed! I remember back in the days when I lived somewhere and fresh milk wasn't always available. I lived off shelf safe milk during those periods and they're a little different but there when you needed it. It was convenient, I could take it with me. Have you ever tried shelf safe milk before? When? Why? Do you like it?

MG Test Kits RC

This is the RC form for the **Test Kits** Mission Giveaway where you can win 2 $50 Gift Certificates to Test Kits at Home, one each for you and a friend! When you're done here, don't forget the Bulu Box Mission giveaway.

MG Bulu RC

This is the RC form for the **Bulu Box** Mission Giveaway where you can win 2 6 month subscriptions to Bulu Box, one each for you and a friend! When you're done here, don't forget the Test Kits Mission giveaway for more great prizes!

#MiaMariu #Sweepstakes US 09/18

I love my mineral makeup, it's so light and easy. Mía Mariu has some of these awesome products and I was sent some to review. Did you check it out? Would you like some of your own? How about if we gave you $400 to go on a super shopping spree? Sweet, right?

Sunday, August 26, 2012

#Nutrisystem #Womens Week 33 Results, #Mens Week 25 Results #NSNation #weightloss #health #diet

The count down has begun. Only 3 more weeks after this and we will officially be done with Nutrisystem. We're currently at the end of week 33 and 25 of our Nutrisystem program. I will admit, with the busy schedule, I haven't had time to record my food but I am eating Nutri.

Happy National #Dog Day! #Frankenweenie

JR & Baby Pom: BOL! Woof morning! We'd like to thank Disney for letting us in on a very special day. Did you know it's National Dog Day today? Sparky from Frankenweenie has come visit us and wish everyone Happy National Dog Day!
National Dog Day

Friday, August 24, 2012

#Sharethejoy with #CesarCuisine Cookie Crunchies US 09/08

JR & Baby Pom: BOL! Furry canines of the world, we have a treat for you! Remember our review of Cesar's new Cookie Crunchies treats? Just thinking of Chicken Rotisserie and Filet Mignon are making us drool. How would you like your own?
Cookie Crunchies Review

Home Decor: Carpeting at it's best #CarpetOne

Carpet ReviewCarpet Review
Remember how I told you I got my first pedicure and had a fantastic time at the Spill & Chill Lounge at Blogher12? I was chatting with the ladies there about my carpet problems. You see, every time I go back to Canada, my parents inevitably try to put away as many carpets as they can. Why? JR and Baby Pom, mostly JR, used to pee on the carpets. Not sure what makes her do that or her reasoning behind it...but it was annoying! Not only that but we also had light carpets, so whenever there was something spilt, it would be so much work trying to get it out. Then I learnt of one of the products Carpet One sells, the Relax...It's Lees carpets. These are some special carpets!

Thursday, August 23, 2012

#ChickenSoup for the Soul: Say Goodbye to #BackPain #Review

Chicken Soup
I have chronic back pain. I don't even remember when it started and when it hurts, it really hurts. Sometimes I wonder if I hurt it lifting things the wrong way...sometimes I wonder what did I ever do to deserve such pain. I was happy to open this month's envelope and see Chicken Soup's Say Goodbye to Back Pain book and hopeful that maybe, I could just find some relief from the pain that plaques me.
Say Goodbye to Back Pain

Wednesday, August 22, 2012

Wordless Wednesday -Steven Spielberg's #Lincoln poster

Remember, we were talking about Daniel Day Lewis in our previous post and how he resembled Lincoln? Here's another picture for you! It's the newly released movie poster for Steven Spielberg's highly antcipated film. Watch for it November 9th!

#Halloween #Dogs #FashionShow

JR & BabyPom: Mom got to go to #BlogHer and she knew there'd be a pet fashion show but didn't take us with her. She's lucky she brought home some costumes and toys from PetSmart for us. So, we're going to have our own fashion show. *BOL* Are you ready for the Halloween line available at PetSmart starting September?

It's happened! I'm going to LA! #DisneyMoviesEvent

Disney trip
I got some exciting news! Since this week's my birthday week, I'm just going to dance in joy and um, say it's an early birthday present for myself. Woot woot! Hahaha...yes, this is a big deal, an amazing deal for bloggers. I am going to LA in September on a Disney trip to see some of my must see movies of the year. OMG, you have no idea how excited I am. Or have you kind of already gotten a feel of how giddy I am?

Tuesday, August 21, 2012

#YogaPaws #Sweepstakes 09/12 US/CAN

YogaPaws Giveaway

How are you staying fit this summer? Do you jog, play a lot of different summer sports, or are you an avid yoga star? This summer, I've decided to start up yoga again and YogaPaws is making it easier for me to stick to it by allowing me to bring yoga my mat with me everywhere. Take a look at my review here.
Elite YogaPaws

Monday, August 20, 2012

#BoogieWipes US 08/24 #MissionGiveaway #PayItForward

It's time for the weekly Mission Giveaway! This week we bring to you something useful and gentle. I present to you Boogie Wipes! These saline wipes are reportedly the way to save your nose from rough tissue paper. The giveaway will be for two Boogie Wipes filled gift for you and one for your friend! Cleaning your kid's runny nose has never been so gentle.
Boogie Wipes

Summer Beauty with Mia Mariu #Review

Nothing says summer like a bit of shimmery makeup fun! Mía Mariu, based out of Dallas, retails natural health and beauty products. Each product is a fusion of botanicals, antioxidants, vitamins, minerals and peptides that are reputed to give you a youthful and beautiful look. I was sent a few product from their mineral makeup line to try out. Mineral makeup is a favorite of mine because it's light weight and enhances your natural beauty.

Sunday, August 19, 2012

#Combat nasty little creatures & 1K #Sweepstakes

how to kill ants
Okay, I live in New York...there are roaches...there are ants...and all sorts of disgusting creepy crawlies. I loathe all of those little creatures and so have developed a habit of being safe with my foods. Everything is sealed if it's opened. Garbage gets taken out right away. Unfortunately, these pets keep coming back! I have an inkling they're coming from upstairs since we are in a very old building. Sometimes, I'll randomly see a roach and it freaks the hell out of me. Combat is supposed to fight roaches and ants at the source. Give them something to take back to the colony to effectively kill the whole colony, leaving you worry free. I was sent the Ant Bait and Ant Gel to review. LOL, lord knows I could use the cockroach one too. Keep reading for your chance to win one for yourself and the chance to win $1000.

#Nutrisystem #Womens Week 32 Results, #Mens Week 24 Results #NSNation #weightloss #health #diet

We're nearing the beginning of the end. Having just placed our last monthly order last week, we will be ending Nutrisystem in a short 4 weeks. We're currently finishing up week 32 and 24 of our Nutrisystem program. It has been a long journey and although our trip is coming to an end soon, it doesn't mean we'll quit trying. Oh, and that means, I'll have something for my readers.

Saturday, August 18, 2012

#Eufora lets your natural beauty shine through

Eufora hair care
So you've seen some of the products I've already reviewed for Eufora in that awesome giveaway we just finished having for Back to School. Want to hear more about these salon level hair care products? I was also sent the Eufora Moisture Cleanse Shampoo, Hydration Leave in Conditioner, Solidifi Firm Hold Gel, Illuminate Shine Mist, and Fixation Styling Wax. Let's see if they performed just as well as the other two products.

Friday, August 17, 2012

Mmm...#CesarCuisine Cookie Crunchies #Review

Cookie Crunchies Review
JR & Baby Pom: Wow mommy! You really do love us, we just received an interesting package. *sniffs sniffs* Okay, no bomb detected, go ahead and open it up! BOL! It's bags of Cesar's new Cookie Crunchies! Woah, they come in Chicken Rotisserie flavor and Filet Mignon flavor and are only 10 calories each. Give it to us!

Baby Bundle #Sweepstakes 09/10 WW

Are you ready for an ultimate baby event hosted by Pregnancy Forum and Joys Of Life? There's a bunch of great prizes that I can't wait to tell you about. Check it out below but a quick preview includes nursery bedding and more...

Thursday, August 16, 2012

The best decision I ever made & Iams Home 4 the Holidays 2012 #IH4tH2012

adopted pets
My baby girl...
Did you know JR was adopted? Lately, the fluffy cuteness of her baby brother, Baby Pom, has been stealing her thunder but she has her own quality traits. To be honest, when I was in the city that day, I had no intentions of getting a dog. I'm a dog lover but it just didn't seem right in my life at the time. My goal in the city at that point was to pick up some literature for work from Barnes and Nobles. It just so happened that Petco was next door and this woman who would forever change my life was holding an adoption event. I, as all curious bystanders would, took a peek...

#Shopcade is Pinterest but funner and with rewards!

I recently heard of Shopcade, a social shopping application on Facebook. You essentially make Pinterest-like boards of products that you would recommend and you earn rewards. When people make a purchase, you get a small cut...a really really small cut. I was playing around with it and was frustrated at first because I had no clue what to do. I think if they had some sort of step by step instructions, it would be amazing. Once I got the hang of it, it was pretty fun. I could add brands that I liked and add stuff I liked to my own boards. By adding stuff, following people, and having them follow you, you earn points. These points are used to customize your assistant (LOL, dress them up, give them a hairstyle) OR trade for rewards.

Integrating #Technology with #Monopoly zAPPed #Review

This next post is about a childhood favorite game. Wait, I lied, I still love it. LOL, it's Monopoly! Everyone's played Monopoly at some point in their life and I remember seeing the countless different versions. However, the times are changing, we all have an iPhone, iPad or iPod Touch. They're smart, they've thought of a more eco-friendly and techie way to bring Monopoly to kids and adults alike these days. You know, some of my friends say their 3 year kid knows how to use their iPad better than they do? They'd be perfect for the Monopoly zAPPed Edition. Get it? LOL, the App in zAPPed?

Don't miss these...

I'm finally semi-caught up on all the emails from the end of July until now. What craziness it has been these past few weeks and there's lots more excitement to come in the next few months. School's starting for some people next week and before we know it, it'll be Halloween, Thanksgiving and then Christmas! Anyhow, here are some giveaways you shouldn't miss out on before our winner announcement.

Wednesday, August 15, 2012

#Travel: The City Sights of #NYC #Tourism

Big Apple
New York City...the Big Apple is such a big place to see. So much to do in so little time. In the 2+ years that I've lived here, my life has been so busy that I haven't even been a tourist yet. My family has visited and seen more than I have. If you're ever here and you're looking for a tour to go on, I would recommend checking out CitySights NY. They feature a bunch of double decker bus tours of the sights and scenes of the city (that's what locals call Manhattan) and more. A tour of one loop will cost you $44 for an adult and $34 for a child but if you purchase your tickets online first, you save $5.

Relaxing with #MarthaStewart's #Pets Line #Review #PetSmart

JR & BabyPom: We're back! This time we'll be taking a look at some of Martha Stewart's pet line of clothing, toys, and accessories from PetSmart. We're going with a Hawaiian feel today! We can see the palm trees, the beach, and almost feel the sand beneath our paws as we run towards the sunset. Mommy quite enjoys the Martha Stewart line because they're not only adorable but affordable!

Tuesday, August 14, 2012

MG Boogie Wipes RC

This is the RC form for the **Boogie Wipes** Mission Giveaway where you can win 2 Boogie Wipes Gift Baskets, one each for you and a friend!

I can wear my #Yoga Mat? #YogaPaws

Yoga has always been an goal in my life. I'm into a lot of different health and fitness ideas and overall, I just want to get into shape. Most my buddies have heard me say, I want a six-pack. Yes, I want to be defined. ;) It's taking me forever to get there though and yoga has always been one of those steps I wanted to take. It's something I do on and off so sadly, I still consider myself a beginner. I have all the gear though. I love the clothing, I love the mats but I have to admit, it's hard to keep it up because I'm too lazy to drag the mats out every time. This is where YogaPaws comes in.

Mrs. Tuesday's Departure 100 Amazon Gift Card #Sweepstakes 08/21 WW

It's been awhile since we did a book blast but we're back! This time we're introducing Mrs. Tuesday's Departure written by Suzanne Anderson. As usual, we will also be doing a giveaway for a $100 gift card! This book time frame centers around World War II and the conflicts and dangers a family faces. Can they find light at the end of the tunnel?

Monday, August 13, 2012

Save time & money with #Woolzies #Review & #Sweepstakes US/CAN 08/28

Teehee...I'll admit, when BlogHer came, I dropped everything and went for those several days so when I returned to normal life, I found I had 4 full loads of laundry waiting for me. Haha, what better chance to test Woolzies than to do the laundry! In New York, the apartment I live in has washers and dryers in the basement and it doesn't cost that much but it adds up with the multiple loads I have to do. Haha, I should've taken a picture of all the clothes I needed to wash today. I had everything all sorted out: my whites, my colors, the sheets and towels, and the fur babies' towels and mats.

Cheap, Simple and Easy...Home #Decor Ideas

Simple Decor ideas
Can you imagine them welcoming your guests at the door?
I don't like the background of this pic but I can definitely see the potential.
My walls are looking bland lately. I'll have to admit, I've refrained from decorating my apartment too much because I never really know how long I'll be staying here and I hate packing. It's mainly due to the fact that I'm neurotic about forgetting things and leaving things behind. It also has to do with the amount of stuff I accumulate. The more I have, the more work I have to do when I move. After Blogher though, I received this awesome dry erase board during one of the events. I love it. It's a colorful wall decal that sticks and peels to surfaces. It can come down easily and move with me when I move. It doesn't leave any residue or damage.

#Nutrisystem Month 8 #Video #Review #NSNation #Vlog #health #fitness #weightloss

weight loss
Here's Month 8 of Nutrisystem videos! This month's video is on pizzas! Or as New Yorkers like to call it, "Pie". Nutrisystem has pizzas for lunch now, the Roasted Vegetable Pizza which was surprisingly good. I remember heating mine up in the kitchen and the SO goes, "What it that? It smells so good. I don't get one?" LOL...

Excuse me, could you pass the #beans? #Beanfields #Snacks #Review

I am always on the lookout for healthy snacks that satisfy the craving and don't add on the pounds. My latest venture took in to the realm of beans. Why beans? LOL, beans have high fiber and protein content and a low glycemic index. In plain terms, they're healthy and slowly release energy, which is a good thing. They are also more easily grown due to the decreased water requirement and last longer, even without being placed in the fridge. So, basically, I have a long-lasting, easy to grow crop that's also healthy for me.

Sunday, August 12, 2012

Earn rewards with #InstantBucks and enter the $100 Amazon #Sweepstakes 08/26 #MadameDealsEvents

There's a new rewards program in town and it's called InstantBucks, the newest place to earn free rewards. Complete easy surveys, shop online, watch videos and sample products to earn rewards. Sign up with InstantBucks today and then enter this giveaway set up by Madame Deals Media and InstantBucks to bring you this great giveaway! Special thanks to Madame Deals and Mommy Needs her Coffee for being so getting everything organized. So, what else can I say, free rewards doing things you normally do and a giveaway for $100 Amazon gift card. Pretty good deal if you ask me...

Putting my hairy pits to the test

Mwahaha, that got your attention, didn't it? For a woman, the barrier to our sleeveless tops an gorgeous summer looks are our armpit hair. Now, I'm not very hairy in beard for me but my armpit hair grows back ferociously. Shaving doesn't take much time but still, it takes time. I'm not much of a waxer. Tried that several times...burnt myself and it takes a lot more time than shaving, despite creating more of a lasting result. Well, I met these awesome ladies at BlogHer from Tria and they are setting me up in their blogger program for the Tria Hair Removal Laser. They have another product, the Tria Skin Perfecting Blue Light, that I am also very much interested in being that I break out when I'm in stress and the SO is basically in a permanent teenage phase with non-stop break outs.

#Nutrisystem #Womens Week 31 Results, #Mens Week 23 Results #NSNation #weightloss #health #diet

Alright, so I guess the effects from my weight gain were not just to my weight but also to my waist. LOL...It's been awhile since I measured myself and this served for a good reminder and motivation to keep this up. We're currently finishing up week 31 and 23 of our Nutrisystem program. I also keep forgetting to order our food so that's what I'm going to do right after this!

First Look at #Lincoln

Wow, would you look at that? Daniel Day Lewis looks so similar to Lincoln! Lincoln, the movie, is a Dreamworks production directed by Steven Spielberg. Focusing on the last 4 months of President Lincoln's life and the work and challenges he faced to forever outlaw slavery. It's bound to be an empowering movie. Set to be released in limited areas November 9th and fully released November 16th, you can find more about it on Facebook. Are you ready for the picture?

Saturday, August 11, 2012

#Disney Short Film -#Paperman and a fun new #App

Disney Short
Before The Odd Life of Timothy Green started rolling during our screening last weekend, we were treated to a short film, Paperman. Paperman is set to debut in front of Wreck-It Ralph on November 2nd. This black and white film features an office worker who uses paper airplanes in his attempts to capture the attention of the girl of his dreams. It's one of those clips that you can't help but go "Awww..."

#Disney The Odd Life of #TimothyGreen #Review

BlogHer was full of fun and one of my favorite parts was the screening of Disney's The Odd Life of Timothy Green. I read the reviews my blogger friends wrote before and I was warned. Yep, trust me to completely forget about the warnings and walk in totally unsuspecting. Yet, there must've been something lingering in the back of my mind as I chose not to sit with my blogger friends. LOL, why? I cry easily during movies...I think I've mentioned this me blood, guts, and bones, I'll be fine. Take me to a movie and I'll bawl my eyes out. #TimothyGreen shakes up the town of Stanleyville and my heart in a tumultous up and down film.

I Survived #BlogHer12!

So, I survived #BlogHer12, the biggest conference for women (and some men) bloggers in my opinion. The conference that I looked forward to attending ever since I started blogging over 2 years ago. This year, 4500 attendees were at the Hilton NYC where there were sessions to better ourselves, chances to meet and connect with brand reps, and parties to relax and get to know others. It all passed in a blur! Would you believe I only got 7 hours of sleep total over 3 days?! I attended both Healthminder Day and BlogHer. I started off Healthminder Day with the US Army Bootcamp which wrecked havoc on my core. I was feeling the effects the day after and call me weird, but I loved the burn! Now, if only I can remember all of the exercises we did, I'd have a six pack by the end of this summer! I also had my first mimosa that day at the #BrandsWeLove event. Mmm...good food, people, and brands! You really can't beat that.

Friday, August 10, 2012

#Dyson DC24 #Sweepstakes US/CAN 08/31

I've told you before how much my family back home loves our Dyson. I'd love to have one here in NYC too with all the fur my two babies shed! Well, here's your chance to get one too. This giveaway was postponed from the previous date due to BlogHer so the dates on the button above are a little off. This giveaway is going to go from Aug 10th 8PM EST to Aug 31 and we thank Mom Powered Media for setting up this Dyson "The Ball" DC24 Vacuum Giveaway. The Dyson C24 All-Floors Lightweight Upright Vacuum is ultra lightweight and compact, making vacuuming easy and effortless.

Thursday, August 9, 2012

Quick! Your chance to experience an #Olympics Field Day with #DavidOliver #DOFieldDay

Have you been following the Olympics? Well, have I ever got a treat for you. If you're a My Coke Rewards member, you could win a Field Day at your child's school with the hosted by Track and Field Olympian David Oliver! Part of the U.S. Olympic Hurdling team, David Oliver is going to be part of one lucky US school's field day event. It almost makes me wish I was there! There'll be events including egg tosses and sack races to keep the whole family moving the full day! There'll be one grand prize winner but also 5 runner-up schools that'll receive an "On-the-Go with D.O." prize packs to help to promote physical activity year round.

#ChickenSoup for the Soul: Messages from #Heaven #Review

Chicken Soup
In the last two years, I've lost a couple people dear to my heart. Grieving is always an awkward time for everyone and we all manage it slightly differently. Messages from Heaven is another Chicken Soup book that features 101 messages from heaven. These stories cover the mysterious stories of how our loved ones sometimes come back to send us signs.
Messages from Heaven

Monday, August 6, 2012

100 in #MyUbby Gift Cards US 08/10 #MissionGiveaway #PayItForward

It's time for the weekly Mission Giveaway! This week we bring to you something uber soft and fluffy. It's My Ubby, the retailer of personalized baby blankets. They're so adorable that I want one too! The prize this week will be 2 $50 Gift Cards to My Ubby. One for YOU and one for your FRIEND!
Personalized blankets

#Nutrisystem #Womens Week 30 Results, #Mens Week 22 Results #NSNation #weightloss #health #diet

BlogHer has has been a few long but fun days. There was a lot of random eating...more like little nibbles here and there, a few drinks. Okay, fine, I had probably a minimum of 2 drinks a day, which doesn't seem like much, but I like sweet drinks so I was a tad worried and shocked when I saw my weight yesterday. It shot up. I had thought, since I didn't get a chance to eat that much, it shouldn't be so bad. Plus, I did a few workouts in the morning too! Are you ready for this bombshell that happened during my week 31? The SO is finishing up week 23 of his Nutrisystem program too but I wouldn't say he's worried about his weight since he wasn't out drinking.