Be proud of me, I attended a couple sessions, some more rewarding than others. Okay, I attended 3 sessions overall. I had more penned into my schedule but honestly, things never go as they're planned and you just have to adjust to it. The Media Kit Session was phenomenal. I got so much out of it. Only wish my note taking program didn't crash and lose all my points halfway through but oh well, what can I do? I attended a lot of great events, both private and official and finally got to meet so many of the blogger friends I had been chatting with for 2 years now. Um...they're even more amazing in person and I wish I had more time to spend with each and every one of them.
I was one of the 20 finalists in the Smile Awards for Social Luxe. I didn't win, but my friend from Living Changerously did and we had a hell of a time! We met in the Carpet One Spill Bar where I enjoyed a couple "Spillatini's" and my first pedicure, ever! Ya, I know, I'm a busy person. I've never even had a mani so I was a giddy child when I got those pretty toes. Then there was Social Soiree...who said you couldn't meet and connect with brands while you had fun? It is possible and it exists!
That was mostly day 1. Some of my blogger friends may call me crazy because I also decided to do the Bowflex Core Body Reformer workout at the start of day 2. I had a lot of fun pushing myself to the limits. I went to TweetSuite, an event where you're meeting brands and tweeting at them at the same time. I went to a shoe party and flashed my pretty pedi in my Naughty Monkey sandals. Hasbro, OMG, was a playland for me. Playing the games they had laid out at the #HasbroParty had me all caught up in the fun that I never realized it was an open bar until minutes before I left. *sigh* I always miss out on the good stuff. I even showed up early for this party but unfortunately had to wait outside in the heat getting all sticky until a good 40min into the event. Weird, isn't it? Then, I went to the Harley party. OMG, the HARLEY party. One of my dreams is to ride a motorbike. Yes, I know the dangers. I've seen countless people with broken bones after motorcycle accidents, yet it's so cool! I won motorcycle lessons at this official BlogHer event and was even more excited to get the PR contact...then I lost the card. I spent the last couple days trying to find it and am in a state of depression because I seem to have lost that and several other important cards. (So Harley Davidson, if you're reading this, you have my info, please get in touch with me!) I ended off Day 2 with a visit to Sparklecorn because hell, I had to see the glo-sticks and the cake specially made by the Ace of Cakes!
By day 3, I was thinking, "What am I doing to myself?" I ended up missing a few events I signed up for. (I'm so sorry for taking up space that someone else could've had!) I thought I could do it all but by the end, I just couldn't. I had to prioritize. Highlights of day 3 included Getting Gorgeous, expo time, Disney screening, and the Fashion Show. While I didn't make it to the whole show, it inspired me to put on a Halloween pet fashion show just for you all. Watch for it in the upcoming month!
Overall, I had a great time. My shoulders are killing me from all the weights I was carrying. I know people were just assuming me to be a swag whore but I was taking the metro to and from daily and didn't have a room at the Hilton. I was ever so grateful for my friends that did take my stuff in. You guys are so amazingly wonderful!! I also heard about the greed and whatnot of some people and am glad I was not exposed to it at all. Not sure what I would've done...personally, it feels weird and it makes bloggers in general look bad. The not so good things about BlogHer...splitting the expo hall into so many different areas was confusing. It was a mad dash to try to visit and talk with as many sponsors as I could, even with limiting to those that I wanted to work with.
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It was so wonderful getting to meet you at BlogHer!!!
So much fun meeting you, Cinny!
Cinny,Tweet the @blogher tweeps I bet they could help you get a contact for Harley.
As for the rest you are hard core, LOL,I wouldn't have walked for a week after working out with those Army people.
Sounds awesome! I'm hoping to go next year! Glad you had a great time.
Blogher was a very interesting experience, especially for those of us who are midlife-age bloggers. I admire your stamina - 7 hours of sleep! It sounds like you had great experience, and for the most part I did too.
I really hope to be able to go next year. Can't wait to see what it's like!
I'm glad you had a great time!!
Sounds like you had a great time, hopefully i can go next year!
what was your favorite party? i was thinking of doing the healthminder for the conference next year how were the sessions for that ?
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