Who likes Pandas? I do! They're so fluffy and adorable... Would you like to work with pandas? The Chengdu Pambassador Program is looking for panda-lovers who are keen to support panda conservation by becoming the new Chengdu Pambassadors, or Panda Ambassadors. Last week, the Chengdu Panda Base launched
PandaQuest, a competition starting on
Facebook and continuing through to on-the-ground events around the world and in Chengdu to create awareness about panda conservation and the Chengdu Panda Base's goal to return pandas to the wild. 3 Chengdu Pambassadors will have the unique opportunity to tour the world over 5-6 months and visit to help spread the word about Panda Conservation efforts. The cities around the world that the #pambassadors will be visiting all have Pandas that were born in the Chengdu captive breeding program with the aim of diversifying the gene pool and bringing Pandas back from the brink of extinction. This is so cool and I'd do it if I had the time! For you though, there is still time to enter yourself as a 2012 #Pambassador Candidate and make it to the semi-Finals in Washington, DC October 15th - 17th! The most important steps are setting up your profile, creating your profile cover graphic, and then asking friends for recommendation and hugs. Once you have that set up you can work on your one minute candidate video.