Wednesday, September 19, 2012

How to get rid of unwanted hair -#Tria Part 1

I was so excited when the box arrived! I couldn't wait to try it out. Then I found out...I'm a wuss. A total wuss! Let's start at the beginning. I didn't shave my pits for 3 weeks so I could show you just how hairy I can get. Teehee! So if it's going to gross you out...stop reading now. Day after day, the SO begged me to shave. When the Tria Hair Removal Laser arrived and I finally shaved my armpits, I don't know who was happier, him or me. It was getting uncomfortable and prickly!
Tria Hair Removal Laser review
Then I read the manual and realized a lot of things. For example, it cannot be used on certain skin tones and hair colors. If you have medium brown or dark brown/black skin tones, the laser is not safe to use. Those skin types may absorb too much laser light and result in burns or scars. Eek! It also only works on naturally brown or black hair and well, basically, you're out of luck if you have blond, red, white, gray, or dyed hair. Sorry.

Before your first use, you have to charge the device for 2 hours and then activate it either online or by phone. Then, you have to be clean shaven before starting the treatment. In the first 3 months of treatment, I should be doing this twice a month. Then, I am to continue this once a month until the 6th to 8th month. After that will be occasional maintenance treatments. You're supposed to spot test treatment areas to determine what level to use the laser on. There's 5 laser settings. There's a slight pinching-plucking feeling as the laser beeps and says, "I'm done. Move to the next spot." Since I don't like waxing, you can tell I'm a bit sensitive to pain. This was slightly uncomfortable for me as I moved the settings up because I really was pushing my pain threshold. I can't handle a 3. Depending on where I was doing, level 2 was also a tad painful. For example, on my armpit, there's areas where I don't feel anything on a 2 and areas where a 2 can cause discomfort. I have heard that your skin gets desensitized to this as time goes on so not to worry. I could, however, handle level 5 just fine on my legs. After the first month of treatment, I don't expect to see much change yet. You can shave between treatments but don't pluck or wax. So far, I'm okay with it, having completed two treatments separated by two weeks. Other than a bit of warm in some areas, I never suffered from any redness or after effects from the laser. Stay tuned for next month's post so I can tell you how it's going!

Check out my Tria posts on how to get rid of unwanted hair.

Buy It: Shop online for Tria Hair Removal Laser ($395).

Disclaimer: The product/s mentioned above have been provided for the purposes of this review. No other form of compensation was received. Opinions expressed belong to Whirlwind of Surprises and are NOT influenced in any way. Please view my full disclosure, TOS, and privacy policy. Please take the time to enter my other giveaways while you're here.

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                                                         Until next time,