Wednesday, October 17, 2012

@NaturalBalance Sports #Dog Star Norman the Scooter Dog takes on #Barkworld @Normanscooter

BarkWorld Expo
Well, ever since I stepped foot in my first conference, I've been bitten by a bug. A conference bug. I have a ball meeting new and old friends and getting to know PR reps. I learn, I have fun, and it's just a great experience overall. I'm about to be off to my second pet conference this year, Barkworld! It'll be my first time there and it kicks off next Thursday. I don't know if you remember but we met Norman the Scooter Dog for the first time at BlogPaws earlier this year and he loved #BabyPom!
Norman Scooter Dog and #BabyPom
There's just something about #BabyPom that big dogs love! Well, Norman the Scooter Dog will be attending Barkworld as well as part of Natural Balance's talent. Not only will Norman be performing at Thursday night’s HOWL-O-Ween Pawty, he'll also make a couple of other appearances that seem to be a surprise for now.
Norman scooter dog
I will actually have the opportunity to interview him there so tell me, what do you want to ask Norman? Leave me your comments below. Your comments not only give me inspiration for questions but also helps me towards helping out a charity. The blog with the most comments and tweets wins $500 for their chosen non-profit charity and a year's worth of dog or cat food. If I win, I plan on donating the $500 to the shelter that I adopted JR from. I might have to keep the food for my babies though or they'll eat me out of house and home. If you're attending Barkworld, post about the event as well for the chance to win.

Disclaimer: No form of compensation was received. Opinions expressed belong to Whirlwind of Surprises and are NOT influenced in any way. Please view my full disclosure, TOS, and privacy policy. Please take the time to enter my other giveaways while you're here.

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                                                         Until next time,


Xtreme Qpon - Angela Christopher said...[Reply]

Ask him how he keeps his coat so silky! :) He's so darn cute!

Diane B said...[Reply]

loves it helping out a charity

jody cowan said...[Reply]

Ask him if his human had a hard time teaching him to ride that scooter.

natalie said...[Reply]

omg.. that is so funny... not sure what I would ask !

Coupons and Friends said...[Reply]

ASk him what his favorite toy is:)

Jeannette said...[Reply]

Oh my goodness gracious! That is too funny! Love that it's for charity!

Crazy Coupon Mommy said...[Reply]

Very cute. I'd ask who he has a puppy crush on :)

Not a Perfect Mom said...[Reply]

how funny! And I can't even work up the nerve to go to a conference and your dogs are on their second ones!

Losito said...[Reply]

How he learned to ride a scooter!

Ellen said...[Reply]

What sweeties and a great cause!

Crissy said...[Reply]

LOL you've got me stumped, I just can't stop laughing at that photo!

Shauna said...[Reply]

Oh my they are super cute... and an awesome cause

Marina@EBMR said...[Reply]

Ask him who, he'd the whole wide be his "dream" owner

Unknown said...[Reply]

Hmmm... I would ask if if he would want to go vegetarian.

Alison Shaffer said...[Reply]

looks like fun with the dogs. wonder if cats could ride a scotter

Unknown said...[Reply]

Ha! This looks like fun! I hope you have an awesome time.

Coupons and Friends said...[Reply]

What's his favorite treat!

East9thStreet said...[Reply]

If he can teach my old dog new tricks!

Ericka @Nibbles and Feasts said...[Reply]

Norman, what's the best way to house train a dog?

Liz Parker Kuhn said...[Reply]

LOL! My dad's name is Norman ... it's an older name but seems to be making a comeback, with the movie ParaNorman and others.

Marci said...[Reply]

That is adorable! I'm glad you're helping others!!

Brr23 said...[Reply]

That is so cool! I love seeing animals doing different tricks!

Jesica H said...[Reply]

Oh my, interview a dog??!! LOL. I have no idea.

Suburban Style Challenge said...[Reply]

I'd ask him what his favorite snack was. My dog loves snacks! :)

Unknown said...[Reply]

Ask Norman who does his hair ... soooo nice!
thanks for being so kind and donate to a shelter! I love doggies!!

Shelley Zurek -- Still Blonde after all these YEARS said...[Reply]

Cinny is def. the one that should be chosen. I mean I laughed at this article and pictures. Her heart is so sincere for her causes.

Shawna said...[Reply]

Oh my! What a beautiful dog. I'd do anything to help dogs, I have 6 now but that's a low number for me. I try to place them with good homes to keep them out of the pound or worse. Great thing you're doing here! :)

Greta said...[Reply]

Ask him if he ever falls off the scooter. Also, why isn't he wearing a helmet?

Lisa Weidknecht said...[Reply]

Great thing you are doing! My dog is a rescue too.

Jennifer said...[Reply]

I had no idea there was such a thing as a dog conference.

Tricia Nightowlmama said...[Reply]

such a great cause and generous donation good luck

jessica @peekababy said...[Reply]

I'd love to know how he feels about people dressing up their dogs in costumes--fabulous or ridiculous?

Nicole aka Finance Diva said...[Reply]

A giving heart keeps us all young. How does he keep his coast so smooth.

Caryn B. said...[Reply]

Hmmm....what is his favorite thing to do? : )

Krista from Playdate Crashers said...[Reply]

Ask him why my dog insists on barking at the doorbell when it rings on TV shows! :)

ATLanta Saving Moms said...[Reply]

Very interesting and thanks for sharing. :)

Unknown said...[Reply]

Thought I would vote for you- our blog is having issues with comments! Go get em! Sir Mac and Lady Alley

Just Trying To Save Money said...[Reply]

Didn't even know they had this conference! Need to check this out!

sara ford said...[Reply]

That is very cool. Ask him if he has a place in mind when he gets on like where dose he think he is going lol What a cool dog I wonder if my cat could do that.

Cinny said...[Reply]

@Crazy Coupon Mommy, LOL, that would be such a cute question....I'm liking it!

Cinny said...[Reply]

@Not a Perfect Mom, haha, conferences are definitely a new thing for me and having one of my fur babies with me at my first one helped. A lot! It's hard to get nervous when you're surrounded by furry bundles of love.

Cinny said...[Reply]

@Marina@EBMR,LOL...I wonder what his owner will think of that question.

Cinny said...[Reply]

@Greta, Good question...A helmet would be a fab idea!

Cinny said...[Reply]

@Xtreme Qpon - Angela Christopher, I've definitely been hearing a lot about how silky and soft his hair is...Haha...I'd also love to find out how he keeps it so nice and tangle free

Kimberly Gauthier, Dog Nutrition Blogger for Keep the Tail Wagging said...[Reply]

Have fun at your conference. I know what you mean about being bitten by the bug.

Now wouldn't it be nice if we could help each other respond to emails when we're away. Ahhhh. I love dream land :)

Sandy VanHoey said...[Reply]

I'd like to know how long it took with riding that scooter,...amazing!

Unknown said...[Reply]

My dogs love that dog food....the scooter that dog is amazing

Unknown said...[Reply]

ask him if he has a doggy girlfriend! :-)

Sarah said...[Reply]

I think you should ask him what his favorite kind of food is! Dry or wet?

Anonymous said...[Reply]

Your baby Pom is too cute. Love Norman! Ask him if it's tough being a stud muffin.

Lisa Weidknecht said...[Reply]

Ask him, "If I ask you a question, will you answer me, or will you look at me like you're a dog that doesn't talk?"

Lena B said...[Reply]

Here is my question, do the senior dog really need senior food?

Unknown said...[Reply]

How fun! Ask him his fave snack?

Kathleen said...[Reply]

LOL Funny. I would ask him:
"If a squeaky toy squeaks in the woods and no dog is around, does it make a sound?"

Momma Told Me said...[Reply]

What's the most complicated trick you've ever done?

LOVE MELISSA:) said...[Reply]

THat is adorable!!! I would love to know what his favorite snack is?

Stacie B. said...[Reply]

Sounds like you'll have a great time! Hmm, not sure what I would ask. Maybe how long did it take him to learn to ride?

Grace said...[Reply]

dogs are amazing creatures.

Jadey said...[Reply]

That's so cute!!

Maybe you can ask him how long it took for him to learn? :)

Amy Orvin said...[Reply]

Ask him how he learned to skateboard?

cdmtx said...[Reply]

so cute ! and a great cause!

LAMusing said...[Reply]

It's too late to ask Norman - but I would have liked to know what he thinks about cats.

desitheblonde said...[Reply]

the scouter can be fun did it take to long for hime to get up and go or did he use treat to get him to stay and then push it

Unknown said...[Reply]

Normans Hair is very beautiful and long ans soft. Thank You. Jerri Davis

cstironkat said...[Reply]

I want to ask him if he ever plans on surfing like Tillman

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