Wednesday, December 12, 2012

How to get rid of unwanted hair -#Tria Part 4

Since I've started my journey with the Tria Laser treatments, I've already made it past 4 months. In this time, I've been pitched randomly by various companies, one of which, took a particularly tasteless tact. Want to know?
Apparently, just by seeing these few Tria posts, they felt like they knew me. They decided to contact me and proceed to tell me that "due to my inherently vain nature, they felt their product would be great for me." Errr? Right...That's a really smart way to get ahold of someone's attention with whom you'd like to work with. Now, I've never considered myself "vain". I just like to take care of myself with ease. People who know me know my humble nature. Take a lesson here, you never insult people before trying working with them or better yet, don't assume something of someone when you barely know them. Common sense, right?
Tria Hair Removal Laser review
The beginning/Month 1
Alright, now that I got that out, let's move on to Month 4. Woohoo! I'm now down to one treatment a month. I even got it done in less than 25 minutes! With the decrease in hair growth, I'm spending less time on the laser. Instead, I'm making sure to go in small areas as I move and ensure that I'm overlapping. I'm being extra careful so that I can treat my right arm as thoroughly as my left.
After 3 months of using Tria laser hair removal
Month 3
A little over a week after Month 4's treatment
At this point, my armpit hair is growing back slower and the left still has less than the right. I am seeing a slightly noticeable decrease in hair on the right though, even just from month 3 to 4's pictures. As for my legs, there's only random little patches of fine hair left.

Check out my Tria posts on how to get rid of unwanted hair.

Buy It: Shop online for Tria Hair Removal Laser ($395). Use "FIFTY" by 12/20 to get $50 off.

Disclaimer: The product/s mentioned above have been provided for the purposes of this review. No other form of compensation was received. Opinions expressed belong to Whirlwind of Surprises and are NOT influenced in any way. Please view my full disclosure, TOS, and privacy policy. Please take the time to enter my other giveaways while you're here.

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                                                         Until next time,