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We know how tough it is to find every coupon out there, so we've invited you to contribute. This helps us keep an exhaustive database of all working online coupons. We offer you the ability to share revenue with us! For any coupon you submit, we'll share 2% of revenue earned from purchases made with that coupon.
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To inquire about becoming a sponsor, please contact Cinny at whirlwindofsurprises@yahoo.ca for details. Take a look at our Media Kit to see what Mission Giveaway has to offer.
Mission Giveaway started with the $100 Story where with $100 several people received the help they needed. We are on a mission to help people! We have gathered a group of bloggers that want to make a difference. Together we are the Mission Giveaway Group!
Are you a blogger that would like to participate in Mission Giveaway? Find out how you can join us.
You can find official Terms and Conditions on the Madame Deals Media page.
Disclaimer: Opinions expressed belong to Whirlwind of Surprises and are NOT influenced in any way. Please view my full disclosure, TOS, and privacy policy. Please take the time to enter my other giveaways while you're here.
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Thanks for a chance to win with a laid off husband this would be a blessing God Bless you and yours!
Electronic coupons are great way to make sure that I maximize my savings. I hate it when I buy items without a coupon - Love the Target gift giveaway too! I shop at ton at Target.
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