We're bloggers, we specialize in social media. What does that mean? We generate "hype" per say, when we're at an event. We share the active news of what's going on at the press events, what we're interested in, and essential, what we think is cool. It helps to draw attention to the event and the brands, thus giving them exposure and support.
There are also different types of press events ranging from big fully sponsored trips to ones that are only a couple hours long and you may even have to find your own way there. The spectrum is incredibly diverse as companies are starting to see bloggers as members of the press for the first time. Others are seasoned pros and know how to work with bloggers. However, a short event doesn't mean any less than a big event.
Just the other week, I had a day which had two press events. I attended the live taping of The View and interviewed Chopped's host Ted Allen in the morning. I then had a fun girls day out with a couple fellow bloggers before heading to that evening's press event for Peterson Chiropractics. I was busy essentially from 6:30AM to 10PM. A pretty packed day, right?What got me through it was:
a) my Karina Dress
b) my StarbucksPress events vary in formality and dress codes but with Karina Dresses, I have nothing to worry about. They're great for any occasion. In fact, I had many compliments of love for my new Sleeveless Penelope in XS. The fit was great, it flowed beautifully, and it featured great Spring colors! It's a part of their new Spring collection! As usual, it was very hard to narrow down my choices because there are just too many beautiful fabrics! They definitely hired that person correctly!
Now, here are 5 tips for getting invited to press events.
1) First and foremost, work hard on your blog and social media networks. I mean quality work. Brands notice the work you do, the effort you put into your posts. They also enjoy seeing you active on social media networks, like twitter. In fact, that's how I ended up getting noticed for one of my conferences last year.
2) Some press events are geographically limited, you have to understand that.
3) Create and maintain relationships with brands. You aren't interested in a one night stand, neither are they. To make things work, you have to actually develop a relationship.
4) Interact with other bloggers on the hashtags on twitter when they go on press trips/events. If the brands see you supporting them, it may just get you noticed.
5) When you do get invited to a trip, do your best to promote the event and brand on your blog and social media networks. They are watching your tweets and your fb posts to see who is helping to support the event. Most, if not all, run twitter reports to estimate reach and exposure. Be prepared, do some research, have your work tools ready because while it is a ton of fun, it is also work. Dress professionally (shameless plug here for Karina dresses because I love wearing their dresses to PR events) especially if you're meeting the PR rep for the first time. Although you shouldn't judge a book by it's cover, first impressions DO matter. Do follow up and say thank you for having me. Be appreciative of what you do get. Oh, my personal pet peeve...if you were invited and you signed up to go, SHOW UP. It is ridiculous and unprofessional for you not to show up or let anyone else know. That is a precious spot you're taking up that other bloggers would love to have. You are also wasting the PR company's precious time.
Good luck! I'd love to hear your thoughts. What other tips would you share for getting invited to press trips? Join me on my #Frockstar Adventures!
Check out my past reviews on the:
Gala 3/4 sleeve in Champagne || Lauren 3/4 sleeve in Plaid || Carmen 3/4 Sleeve in Teal & Tan Floral || Megan 3/4 Sleeve in Paisley || Penelope 3/4 sleeve in Creme Brulee Puchi || Josie Long Sleeve in Blue Houndstooth || 3 generations of Karina Dresses Frockstars || Penelope 3/4 Sleeve in Geometrics ||
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