Wednesday, February 6, 2013

How to get rid of unwanted hair -#TriaBeauty Part 6 US/CAN 2/22

Wow, can you believe how fast time has gone by? Not long ago, I had never been to a conference. Fast forward 6 months and I had already attended 3 and becoming a seasoned pro! There is so much to be said about conferences and I've enjoyed myself fully at every single one. Funny how time has gone by so quickly. It's already the end of my 6 month journey with Tria Laser. Of course, for you though, this may be my best post yet because besides finding out my final results, you also get to enter to win a $395 Tria Laser of your own!

When I first received the Tria Laser, I was psyched! I have a ridiculously busy lifestyle. Keeping up with shaving was a bit of a pain. I know, I know, I don't have as much hair as some people I know but still, it took time, it took effort and razors cost a pretty penny. Not to mention the razor heads, which cost a chunk too, because I like the ones that come with the extra chunks so you don't need to buy/use shaving cream to save on time. Then I'd cut myself accidentally. It always happens! Maybe I'm just a natural klutz.
Tria Hair Removal Laser review
The beginning/Month 1
So I figured, with a laser, I could save myself so much money not only on shavers but also time since it'd take care of my hair for good. The final solution to getting rid of unwanted hair, right? Now that I think about it, I also have a friend who does go and get laser treatments at a salon. Who knows how much she pays for them? I know I've seen on Groupon that they're *on sale* for something like $199.

Anyways, my friend keeps going back because she's not sure if it's working so she continually goes back for treatments. My worry is the amount she's already put into it and she's not yet really seen permanent results. That's $$$$! $$$$ that I do not want to be spending!

That's why the Tria's been great. I do my own salon treatments on myself. I don't need to go anywhere and hey, so far, it's been working. I've seen a decrease in hair. It's not 100% gone like they suggest with 6 months of treatment, so I'll be continuing my maintenance treatment. However, there has been a noticeable change, an improvement. Take a look yourself.
After 3 months of using Tria laser hair removal
Month 3
Month 4's treatment
Tria laser treatment results
2-3 wks after Month 5's treatment
1 wk after Month 6's treatment
Each month, my hair's gotten more sparse and grows back slower. To me, that means it's working. Sure, I may need more than 6 months of treatment since results will vary from person to person. However, eventually, I feel I will attain the results I want. How about you? Want to give Tria a try?

Check out my Tria posts on how to get rid of unwanted hair.

Buy It: Shop online for Tria Hair Removal Laser ($395).

Win It: One lucky WOS reader will win their very own Tria Laser ($395). Enter on the Giveaway Tools form below from Feb 6 10PM EST to Feb 22 11:59PM EST. Open to US/Canada, 18+. Good luck!

Disclaimer: The product/s mentioned above have been provided for the purposes of this review. No other form of compensation was received. Opinions expressed belong to Whirlwind of Surprises and are NOT influenced in any way. Please view my full disclosure, TOS, and privacy policy. Please take the time to enter my other giveaways while you're here.

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                                                         Until next time,