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There's good movies, movies I want to watch and there there's the ones where you wish they'd hurry up and come out already. Guardians of the Galaxy fall in that last category. Is it August yet?! I can't help but watch and rewatch the trailers and bop my head to the beat with a goofy smile on my face. Mmhmm, yes, I want it to be August 1st now!

Following the Peer Guide sessions, all applicants will submit a short video explaining how they are improving the galaxy and what inspiration and guidance they received from their Peer Guides. The five best video entries will be selected as winners, who will each receive 2 round-trip tickets to Hollywood, including hotel accommodations, from July 20 through July 23, 2014, to be on the red carpet at the World Premiere of Marvel’s “Guardians of the Galaxy” on July 21, 2014; an invitation to the first-ever GUARDIANS OF GOOD INNOVATION & SERVICE SUMMIT on July 22 at The Walt Disney Studios in Burbank, where professionals and peers will share their knowledge; a backstage tour of the Disneyland Resort; and a red-carpet screening of the film at a Dolby® Atmos TM Theatre in or near the winner’s hometown.Entries will be accepted until June 29, 2014.
GUARDIANS OF THE GALAXY smashes in theaters on August 1st!
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