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Selfies...we all know it. It's the new thing to do these days. Snap a quick selfie by yourself, with friends, at an event, or whatever. It's the thing to do these days and it can create fantastic memories. Do you do them? Know someone who does? There's always the ones that look fabulously glamorous and the ones that straight up look hideous. I've had my share of both. Ever wanted to take them better? Or for fashion bloggers like myself, it drives me nuts when the hubby can't take the photo from an angle that I want. It'd be so much easier if I could do it myself.

1) Tilt your head at an angle -There's just something about the pose. Your face is less flat, it gives it dimension and for some reason, your eyes look bigger and cuter, while highlighting your cheekbones.
2) Know your good side - Yep, I have a better side of my face and you do too! I typically take my selfies with the left side of my face. I decided it through the years and through countless selfie experiences.
3) Lighting -As with any normal picture, good lighting is a must.
4) Back vs front camera -Well, we all know the camera on the back is better quality than the one on the front. You can see the difference especially when lighting is lacking. So, try taking selfies with the back camera for that higher quality picture.
5) Selfie stick -A selfie stick is great for reaching out so that you can take more of the background behind you. So that your face isn't dominating the entire frame. Super useful for when you're travelling in foreign places and don't want to trouble or lend your camera to others to help you take a picture.
6) Bluetooth Wireless Remotes -Bluetooth wireless remotes work great alone or with a selfie stick. The Shutter Button that I'm reviewing is one of these remote bluetooth wireless remotes that allow you to take pictures from up to 10 meters away. The lovely thing about the shutter button is that you can set your phone down a good distance away and snap your own shots.

These yoga pictures were taken by myself using a bluetooth remote!
8) Have fun with it -Don't try to hard. Selfies are fun. They create memories. I love taking them with friends when we're getting together. Silly faces are often involved...making the selfies that much more personable and memorable.
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