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It's that time of the year again. Gift finding and purchasing is sometimes enjoyable but also sometimes entirely stressful. I find it hard to buy for my nieces and nephews as well. They grow so quickly, clothing is always hard because you never know if they'll still fit it. Even my baby is sizing up at this point. My favorite staple though, and this is also because I enjoy reading to my son daily, are books. Early childhood educators recommend reading to your child at least 20 minutes a day, in separate segments to help them develop and learn. I, in particular, love books of all educational levels, because let's face it. When you're a parent reading to your child, you will get sick of the book reading it for the 30th time off the top of your head because it's now memorized faster than your kids will ever be. They're still fascinated by the colorful pictures and textures as my son is. Choosing a book that you're also interested in helps as you can read perhaps in a more engaged manner. Regardless, I have a fantastic stockpile of books this season that I would love to introduce to you this holiday season as great additions to any child's library and Christmas present lists.

Oskar Can (Hardcover $14.95; Ages 2-5; 32 pages)
A nice and short book with adorable Oskar the raven finding out all the things that he can do. This was a fun and easy read with our son and he quite enjoyed the colors and pictures as well. I also enjoyed challenging him to see what he could do that Oskar was already doing. Mmmhmm, yes I am an impatient mother. We all want them to develop so this is a great way to encourage them to accomplish tasks and develop the confidence as we encourage the positivity of accomplishing day-to-day tasks. I love it, simple yet cute.
Grades K-5:
Henry is Kind (Hardcover $16.95; Grades K-5; 32 pages)
This book is not only a good read but also helps with social and emotional learning. Children will read and learn the many ways that Henry can be kind. The setting is Ms. Snowden's class and the children in the class are practicing sending kind thoughts to those they love. This is truly a cute story of how classmates and friends help Henry discover that he too has done many kind things. Kindness is a wonderful quality to instill into a child's character so this is a great read.
Grades 4-7:
The age when kids start learning and loving science. The love of finding out how things work start to bud and it's our job to help them grow. These next series of books are great starts!
The Acadia Files: Book Two, Autumn Science (Hardcover $13.95; Grades 4-7; 88 pages)
Acadia Files is slightly more reading and would be a good choice for those who learn through stories. The book consists of five stories of fall, each one followed by Acadia’s science notebook pages with simple explanations of natural happenings. The book helps children to understand scientific concepts with real life situations. One of the fun stories that she explores include "Why do leaves change color in the fall?"...a very natural question that children will have. I found this book enjoyable to read as it was science on adventure, kind of reminds me of the Magic School bus.
Absolutely Everything!: A History of Earth, Dinosaurs, Rulers, Robots and Other Things Too Numerous to Mention (Hardcover $21.99)
Oh, this book is absolutely fun for the ones that love random facts. It's got just a little bit of everything by journalist and bestselling author Christopher Lloyd. It covers everything from how the universe was made, to where the dinosaurs went to revolutions to computers. It is literally a plethora of information and facts through the millennia and different ages in history. Absolutely Everything is the book that parents will enjoy reading with their children since you'll learn as much as they will and the read is never a chore. It is absolutely perfect for any budding history buff.

Explorer Academy: The Nebula Secret by Trudi Trueit ($16.99, hardcover, ages 8-12)
This is a new fiction series that features adventure, danger, and a thrilling global mission. What kid can resist reading about this fun adventure. 12-year-old Cruz Coronado joins an elite school for explorers, leaving his home in Hawaii to join 23 talented kids from around the globe to train at the Explorer Academy. Embedded in the book are puzzles and codes stimulating the explorer within. Book 2 of 7, The Falcon’s Feather, comes out this March! Enter the Explorer Academy Alaskan Cruise Sweepstakes for your chance to win a cruise.
To the Moon and Back: My Apollo 11 Adventure A Pop-Up Book by Buzz Aldrin with Marianne J. Dyson (ages 8-12, hardcover, $32.00)
A celebration of the Apollo 11 Mission's 50th Anniversary, this is a truly beautiful book. Pop ups adorn this book that allows kids to explore the historic event and learn about the mission to the moon. Science and history bundled into a fun activity wherein kids can build their own Apollo 11 lunar module.
Ultimate Secrets Revealed: A Closer Look at the Weirdest, Wildest Facts on Earth (ages 8-12, hardcover, $19.99)
Oh, who am I kidding, I adore some of these Nat Geo books despite being a full grown adult. Where else do you learn fun facts such as...Did you know that caterpillars liquefy when they turn into butterflies? That humans shed eight pounds of skin every year? That there's a funky forest in Poland where all the trees are mysteriously crooked? That space smells like burnt plastic? There are such weird facts out there but all so interesting tantalizing to our minds. How does it work and why are questions that always burn on my mind. This book explores the bizarre truths and mysteries behind these interesting facts and more.
Ultimate Predatorpedia: The Most Complete Predator Reference Ever (ages 7-10, hardcover, $24.99)
From the tiniest tiniest predators to the largest, welcome to the book that has it all. Animal lovers and scientists alike can explore the various animals that prey on others for survival and learn their details including their scientific name, size, diet and habitat. The ultimate learning experience hidden by fun facts. This is a perfect choice for those who already have Ultimate Dinopedia, Ultimate Bugopedia, and Ultimate Reptileopedia. This means, I'll have to track down Ulimate Dinopedia!
National Geographic Kids Why Not?: Over 1,111 Answers to Everything (ages 8-12, hardcover, $19.99)
For the inquisitive child, we recommend Nat Geo's Why Not? They have answers to all sorts of questions. Just flip to the right page. I'm sure parents will learn just as much as their children as they get quizzed on newly learned facts.
Dog Science Unleashed: Fun Activities to Do With Your Canine Companion (ages 8-12, paperback, $12.99)
Dog Science! Adventures for kids and their dogs. I definitely will be trying some of this out with our son and dogs as he gets old enough to learn. In this awesome book, there are twenty-two safe and pup-friendly activities to help young scientists discover how their canine companions think, move, drink, stay warm, get clean and cool off. Figure out if your dog is a lefty or righty to their favorite smell!
Just Joking Jumbo 2 (ages 7-10, paperback, $14.99)
Such an easy stocking stuffer for the practical joker! Headed for the land of laughter, kids will laugh at silly facts and jokes of all kind.
Fly With Me: A Celebration of Birds Through Pictures, Poems and Stories (ages 4-8, $24.99)
Celebrate birds through a book curated by Jane Yolen and her 3 adult children. Intertwined into beautiful original poems is scientific learning about birds from centuries ago to today. This is a fun book for the family to enjoy together or in any classroom.

Nat Geo Holiday Prize Pack
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