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Bubble Guppies! They are just so much fun and I love that they promote learning through adventures and songs! There's a new DVD from Paramount and Nickelodeon Home Entertainment that came out March 16th and it is Bubble Guppies: The New Guppy!
There’s a new guppy in town, and her name is Zooli! She’s a spunky, smart animal expert who isn’t afraid to get a little messy. Zooli joins Molly, Gil and the rest of the Bubble Guppy friends for epic, underwater adventures and helping animals in need.
I have definitely seen Bubble Guppies around a few times, however, this was my preschooler's first exposure to Bubble Guppies. It was pretty hilarious, he learnt that they were Bubble Guppies pretty quickly then kept carrying the DVD around the house...coyly asking me, "What's that?" and then smiling and answering himself, "Bubble Guppies!".
Bubble Guppies: The New Guppy! DVD features 4 episodes including:
-The New Guppy!
-Dragons N’ Roses!
-Genie in a Bubble!
-The Mighty, Untidy Titans!
Dive into all-new underwater adventures and meet the fin-tastic new guppy Zooli. Zooli is an animal expert! Swim along with the guppies and be schooled as they find magical jewels to ward off the Sea Witch, discover a genie who will grant a wish for one guppy, and embark on more adventures together. I limit our preschooler's screen time so imagine when I turned it off, he went, "Oh no! It's not working". He laughs, he learns, and most of all, he's having fun! This is our type of kid programming!
Photo Credit: Nickelodeon |
MRSP $10.99USD, $12.99Cdn
Make it a Bubble Guppy day with these activities. Print out these fun activities to keep your preschoolers entertained! I know I'm spending the day home from work because our daycare closed so these make for the perfect past time to balance activities between some monitored screen time!

Then an afternoon snack perhaps? Have the kiddos help out with creating their snack. I've found that my preschooler eats so much better when he has a hand in making his food. This Bubble Bites receipe inspired by the Bubble Guppies looks fun and easy to make not to mention yummy to eat!

Our friends at Paramount and Nickolodeon Home Entertainment have been so kind to offer up a copy of Bubble Guppies: The New Guppy! to one of our lucky readers! 1 WOS reader will win a copy of Bubble Guppies: The New Guppy! (MRSP $10.99). Open to US, 18+. Ends Apr 02, 11:59PM EST. Winners must respond within 48 hours or a new winner will be drawn. Good luck!
Bubble Guppies: The New Guppy! DVD Giveaway US 4/2
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