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As a mother, the most important thing to me is a healthy and happy child. So I’m always looking for a healthy alternative to something. Particularly since my preschooler rarely eats his fruits and vegetables at school, I find myself always adding fruits and veggies after pick up to ensure that he gets enough!
Organic foods are always a plus too. You read so much about fertilizers and chemicals that I do try to buy organic when I can. However, sometimes it depends on what’s available and how expensive things may be.
So when I discovered EnviroKidz, I thought, “Wow, this is kind of neat!” You’re wondering why. Well, Nature’s Path EnviroKidz has a mission to not only make organic food for kids but they also support efforts to save the animals and the planet.
The packaging features animals, conservation tips, and activities to keep kids busy. In addition, every EnviroKidz product purchase has 1% going towards efforts to save endangered animals and the planet through 1% For The Planet.
We were sent a variety of EnviroKidz products to try including Amazon Flakes, Turtle Splash, Leapin’ Lemurs, Choco Chimps, Koala Crisp, Gorilla Crunch, Panda Puffs, and Cheetah Chomps!
The boxes were so darn cute that my preschooler wanted to carry them everywhere with him when we first unboxed and he wanted to try them all! It was actually pretty awesome. He’s somewhat of a lazy eater and feeds himself slowly but with Turtle Splash, he was so excited about it that he fed himself and ate much faster than usual.
Plus the trivia made for fun reading during breakfast, we adopted a turtle in name, and learned to draw a turtle. It was quite the fun morning. He loves the strawberry chocolate flavored cereal! The mom part of me loves that it’s made with fruit and veggies, strawberries and beet juice in this particular box.
Cheetah Chomps is a berry-flavored cereal that contains strawberry, raspberry, carrots and more. Actually, this one was so good that I grabbed a bowl for myself as well. It doesn’t taste overly sweet however, 1 cup is 2 servings of carbohydrates and 18% of the daily value of sugar so it’s more than expected. The mom part of me opts for lower sugar options but I can see myself caving in to Cheetah Chomps every once in awhile, especially when a certain pair of hands are sliding the bowl of Cheetah Chomps away from me before I could even snap a picture.
The other varieties follow a similar theme. We even had a morning where we mixed a combo of Turtle Splash, Cheetah Chomps, and Gorilla Munch! It was fun!
EnviroKidz products are made in a no-waste factory and continue to support conservation efforts. Truly, if we don’t better care for our world and environment, what will be left for our kids and their future generations?
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