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Though we enjoy the occasional silly read, most of the books I choose for my child are filled with subtle learning messages that not only teach my child facts but also hopefully, how to navigate his feelings and social growth as a person. I would love for him to grow up happy, healthy and strong but just as important is my wish that he grows up as a kind and caring person. The new Spring picture books from Pavilion offer such a choice.
While You’re Sleeping by Mick Jackson and John Broadley (2/2021, hardcover $19.95; ages 4-8, 40 pages)
While You’re Sleeping explores the world of activity that’s out there when we’re asleep in bed at night. It sheds light on the occupations that sometimes work at night such as hospital workers caring for the sick, bakers preparing bread and firefighters waiting for a call. It also highlights animals and wildlife who are more nocturnal in nature and introduces concepts of different time zones around the world. Though it is night here, it is day halfway around the world and others are up and about. We love how these new concepts are introduced and allows our child to open his eyes to just how vast the world is. Moreover, it provides food for thought if a little one wakes and thinks he or she is all alone but in reality, there are many others awake just not maybe right by them.
The Greatest Show Penguin by Lucy Freegard (2/2021; hardcover $16.95; ages 3-6; 32 pages)
This adorable parody of The Greatest Showman features an adorable penguin named Poppy who comes from a long line and of circus performers. The dilemma? Poppy does not want to perform in the circus but like anything else in life, sometimes the hardest part is telling your parents. Embedded in the story full of adorable pictures is a heartwarming message about overcoming fears and the definition of success. We love this book because of the fantastic message and of course, the cute penguins. Our preschooler gravitated to The Greatest Show Penguin immediately when we received it and it has quickly become a favorite.
Alone by Barry Falls (3/2021; hardcover $16.95; ages 3-6, 32 pages)
Alone is about a little boy named Billy who lived on top of a hill all alone every day until his peace is disturbed by a squeak of a mouse. So he gets a cat to get rid of the mouse...plot twist! The cat and mouse become friends. He then gets a dog who becomes friends with the cat and mouse and the story continues with the addition of more and more animals. Through the chaos and humor, Billy and kids realize sometimes it’s good to have friends.
The Last Tree by Emily Haworth-Booth (3/2021; hardcover $16.95; ages 4-8; 32 pages)
The Last Tree is a story that follows a group of friends to find a place to live and over time, the changes that they’ve made to develop a place to live has thinned the forests and trimmed the forest down to the last tree. Now the children will need to find a solution. The Last Tree is a strong metaphor to the growing environmental crisis that we face in the world that our kids and their kids will grow up in. It imparts a strong message and encourages our children to be gentle with the environment so that we can continue to share its beauty with future
generations. These 4 Spring books from Pavilion’s Children inspire thought and discussion about sensitive topics that we may have troubles broaching at times. So it is pretty fantastic that there are well written books to help start those conversations. What do you think?
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