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When I think of the fall season, I'm a bit conflicted. I love the beauty of the colors, the gentle cooling of the temperatures. However, I also know that our harsh, cold Minnesota winters are coming and that just makes me feel bleh. Prestel book though, always make me feel better. Their fall collection which is intended for the younger reader, still interests me. I could totally sit with a cup of hot cocoa and thumb through the pages all day with my preschooler. Check it out and let me know what you think.
I Am Coco: The Life of Coco Chanel by Isabel Pin (Hardcover $17.95, Ages 6-9, 88 pages) -As a self-declared fashionista, I may have gravitated to this book. My preschooler isn't old enough yet to know this much fashion but boy, does mom ever love it! However, despite konwing fashion, I've never known about the background of only one of the most well-known designers/brands in the world! Lately, I've developed that interest so while my preschooler was all about all the other books, I started thumbing through this one myself. My preschooler was a little upset I started reading it before him by myself so we had to start it from the beginning together again. However, it is such a beautiful book that draws you into Coco Chanel's history. I never knew! My goodness, her story is so inspiring and well, encouraging for young girls and women to find their own path and believe in themselves. I have developed a new found respect! She defied structure and strict rules back in the day when it was hard for women to be heard. That in itself is amazing. This is a serious must read for any fashion-loving person, regardless of age.
Hair: From Moptops to Mohicans, Afros to Cornrows by Annette Roeder, illus. by Pamela Baron (Hardcover $24.95, Ages 8-12, 64 pages) -This is such a fun book that goes over the so many different types of hair styles throughout the years and in different cultures! It was quite interesting to read and explore with our preschooler.
The Power of Architecture: 25 Modern Buildings from Around the World by Olaf Hajek (Hardcover $19.95; Ages 6-9; 40 pages) -This is a really cool book. It is all about the architecture of various buildings around the world, including the Parthenon, Great Pyramids and even cool stadiums. This book fascinated my husband and even the grandparents so it's a fantastic read for everyone in the family. It's neat to learn about the buildings and how architecture can be used for more than just a shelter.
My Dog, Hen by David Mackintosh (Hardcover $16.95, Ages 4-8, 40 pages) -My Dog, Hen is so adorable that this was actually my preschooler's first pick in this lovely collection of books. One of our dogs is a rescue as well so this book touches close to the heart.
We always love a good read in our home and it is so important for a child's vocabulary development. These are great picks that are sure to pique any reader's interest! Do you have a favorite?
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